
San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina

The city of Tucuman, with 830’000 inhabitants, presents a high demographic growth and is one of the provinces more affected by the economic crisis by which the country is going through. The deficit of houses increases on 3’000 units each year.
From 4’000 units needed only 1’000 are built. The construction of public housing complexes represents to the public administration a problem of fundamental importance.

To the Accademia di Architettura this project represents the opportunity to face in a concrete context and through a specific approach such as the design of social housing, the topic of the fast expansion of the Latin-american cities.


Barrio Sur

1,67 hectares of land
11’256 m² covered
168 units
744 inhabitants
440 inhabitants per hectare

The site is situated at the south extreme of the city, in the confluence of the drain channel and the highway. The site presents serious problems of flood; because of this the project foresees the layout of open air permeable earth channels in order to help to absorb and direct the stagnant water and in this way clean up the area.
The channels serve as order axis for future plots. The deficit of dwellings due to leaving the channels area without houses, is balanced by a considerable raise of building density at the more appropriated north part of the site.
It is proposed high density edification, with four rows of houses in four floors blocks, lined with the Jujuy Avenue axis. The high of the complex highlight the city access.
The main circulations inside the complex go north- south, connecting the south green areas reserved as water absorbent focus.
Three typologies are developed: houses of two and three dorms with garden at the ground floor and duplex of two dorms with garden on the roof. All the houses are north- south oriented, favoring sun illumination and the ventilation.

María Isabel Benito

Jean Mourice Bonzon

El Manantial

El manantial
25,05 hectares of land
16'435 m² covered
253 units
1’200 inhabitants
47 inhabitants per hectare

The proposal is to develop houses with individual productive lands, community production and commerce spaces, generating in the irregular territory an order and clear space for the housing and the production.
The complex has 128 houses of 74 m² with 3 dorms and a productive area of 708 m² each, distributed in an orthogonal shape, surrounded by a circulation ring and collective cultivations.
125 houses of 2 dorms with garden are developed along a block of two levels that connects with the existing neighbourhoods at north. The block oriented to the south face contains covered spaces for commercial activities in relation with the production, creating a linear market. All the houses are north- south oriented favoring the ventilation and the sun light. The complex is crossed by a pedestrian passage considered as meeting area. One of the accesses coincides with the America Avenue alignment.

Gabril Wajnerman

Gianmario Minazzi

Smata III

2,88 hectares of land
3’072 m² covered
48 units
192 inhabitants
66 inhabitants per hectare

The site is situated in a periphery axis of the urban area that could be considered as potential communication line with the rest of the city.
Each piece of land is north- south oriented, in order to get the best climate benefits.
The project tries to keep a dimensional relation between the lots, and the respect to the establish superface by the Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda, varying on the front- back of each lot, putting the lots of less front to the avenue in order to have more profitable dwellings. A single street communicates with the interior lots; which reduces the infrastructure costs.
Each housing module has enough space for a right internal extension and external use according to the necessity of the families.

Maximiliano Rapisarda

Nuno Travasso

San José

1,03 hectares of land
2'741 m² covered
24 units
96 inhabitants
93 inhabitants per hectare

The site is situated at the northwest of the urban zone. The proposal is to create an axis of high density construction that allows the duplication of the expected dwellings. Each unit has a front space for commercial activities. The “commercial” axis, a wooded half covered street and a children´s dining room, will be the center of the San Juan neighbourhood

Gianmario Minazzi

Pilar Navarro


9 hectares of land
25'344 m² covered
311 units
1’220 inhabitants
135 inhabitants per hectare

In an area composed by several unrelated neighbourhoods, it is proposed to reinforce the channel line with a long wooded park and a street. This proposal doesn’t look just for a physical connection between the neighbourhoods, but also to create the possibility of a unitary lecture of the site.
The proposed neighbourhood is looking for its own image, between this periphery without character, and the definition of intermediate scale between the public and the private favouring a community sense. The scale of the blocks from the center of the city is used in the project several common green areas are proposed connected between them. Inthe front of each block, appartments, shops, and parking lots are proposed and allow a diversification of the place.

Nuno Travasso

José María Zamor


5,89 hectares of land
6’820 m² covered
124 units
453 inhabitants
77 inhabitants per hectare

In an urban level it is been studied the way to avoid the section exclusion and the disorder of the neighbourhoods’ plot. It is thought the restructuration of the context by taking the channel diagonal as a connection element between the various neighbourhoods; this will became a fast communication road with green areas.
The project has been developed completing the existing plot and highlighting the future growth area.
The proposal brings different disposition possibilities in order to offer new prototypes favouring the relation with the external space.
Usually after the construction of a typical structure with the importance of the internal space the external space is excluded. With the different typologies of dwellings it is offered to the user a space without any rigidity division but heterogeneous, flexible and without strong barriers between the interior and the exterior in order to extend the units in the totality of the 300 m² of land.

Pilar Navarro

Dan Paraschiv

Lomas de Tafi

22 hectares of land
27’000 m² covered
360 units
1’800 inhabitants
81 inhabitants per hectare

The project is based on the following points:
-To produce the ground lowest impact and limiting the paving in order to allow the natural absorbtion of the raining.
-To give a neighbourhood identity by making groups of four units an avoiding the monotony of the mechanical repeatition of a single house.
-To create a different relations between the house and its external spaces
-Highlight the land topography (a little winding and inclined) making an ortogonal plot rule.

Jean Maurice Bonzon

Maximiliano Rapisarda

Los Pocitos

17,24 hectares of land
10'028 m² covered
436 units
2’180 inhabitants
126 inhabitants per hectare.

The main idea of the project is to generate a global architectural answer that helps to solve the problem of the “villa miseria” (favelas, chabolas, bidonvilles), and the exclusion provoked by these areas.
The project is situated in the periphery of Tucumán, in a land limited by a channel, surrounded of cultivations, with an important road that communicates the capital with Tafi Viejo city.
The solution foresees an indefinite growth in time and space.
The proposal looks for an autonomous way of life of the group with cultivation areas and communal animal rising.
The original wall of the project is an axis that allows ordering the territory and works as “vertebral column”; gives to the people a basic habitat with real material limits: it is not a dwelling, it is waiting to generate it. It is an ordering architecture that produces a natural urban landscape eliminating the monotony, giving to the people the possibility of creating its own identity.

José María Zamor

Franziska Sack

Villa Mariano Moreno

2,95 hectares of land
5’625 m² covered
352 units
300 inhabitants
101 inhabitants per hectare

The site is composed by six blocks and is situated on a light inclined land; surrounded by uni- familiar houses, connects these buildings with more concentration in the east side. The blocks are defined by the existing streets as the usual plot. On the north- south direction the area is accessible by a main axis in which are found secondary streets with east- west directions. The typology differences of the dwellings are generated by the division of the access roads. The secondary streets are limited by one floor houses and the main street with houses of one and two floors.
The houses on the secondary streets are developed around a central external space favouring the climate situation. The plan is organized permitting the extension of the area to the garden.
The buildings on the main street have a covered space which can be used as extension of the housing area or as independent area for commercial use or working places. The houses of one and two floors are alternated and these define the character of the main street.
The hierarchic order of the streets in highlighted and the alternation on the main axis define the main character of the place.

Franzisca Sack

Gabriel Wajnerman

Las Talitas

15,8 hectares of land
24’992 m² covered
352 units
1’590 inhabitants
100 inhabitants per hectare

The project is situated between the highway and the rural road. The project proposes to extend the existing urban structure and to create a new plaza.
The main access to the complex is by a double sense street which connects the current neighbourhood center with the plaza. Over the two sides are proposed houses of two floors with back garden, opposed to the established rule for the houses of one floor.
The houses of one floor are situated on the back part of the area, with the access thru the garden and an internal patio at the back site. The house is organized around a "functional wall" which contains the nucleus humid and at the same time divides the day area from the night area.
The west side of the site is left free in order to maintain the possibility of creating an urban front in case of a future growth of the entire neighbourhood.

Paraschiv Dan Felix

María Isabel Benito

Programme of activities


inscription of candidates


comunication of the selected participants

workshop in Tucumán

meetings with:
Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (FAU–UNT)
Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano (IPV y DU)

guided visits:
Cerro San Javier
10 projects sites (IPV y DU)
examples of social housing (IPV y DU)
architecture and historic center of Tucumán (FAU–UNT)
drain and rubbish sistems with invited Mauro Gandolla (Switzerland)

8 public conferences at the Quinta Agronómica (FAU–UNT)


free travel in Argentina

workshop in Mendrisio

workshop in Mendrisio
design atelier
collective critics
discusion of the projects with guest critics Livio Vacchini and Jacques Gubler
seminary of 7 lectures at the Accademia di Mendrisio
preparation of exhibition


exhibition opening at the Accademia di Mendrisio


Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
Quinta Agronómica

Housing and the city: present situation
Osvaldo Matorell

Osvaldo Matorell
Arquitecto (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán). En la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la UNT se desempeña como profesor, investigador y coordinador de la reforma curricular. Es consultor del Programa Nacional Mejoramiento de Barrios (BID–Ministerio Desarrollo Social de la Nación). Coordinó la implementación de programas sociales desde el año 1985 tales como: PAGV (Programa de Atención a Grupos vulnerables, BID-Nación). Miembro de la Fundación PROHAS.

The informal growth of the city and the environment subject
Raúl Torres Zuccardi
Marta Casares

Raúl Torres Zuccardi
Arquitecto (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán); Master en Planeamiento Urbano y Regional Universidad Nacional de Lima-Perú. Miembro del H. Consejo Superior de la UNT. En la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo se desempeña como Profesor Titular de la disciplina “Urbanismo”, Director del Proyecto de Investigación: “La producción del territorio de la ciudad, una sociedad en conflicto” (CIUNT–UNT). Profesor Visitante, Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal. Lima, Perú. Profesor Extraordinario, Universidad Católica de Salta, Argentina.

Marta Casares
Arquitecta (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán); Especialista en Ordenación del Territorio y Medio Ambiente. En la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo es investigadora y Profesora Adjunta de la asignatura Urbanismo I.. Profesora Titular de la asignatura “Planificación del Espacio Turístico” Facultad de Economía, Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino, Tucumán. Consultora Ambiental del “Programa de Mejoramiento de Barrios”. (BID–Ministerio Desarrollo Social de la Nación). Doctorando en Urbanismo, en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, España.

Conventional and non conventional policies in housing management
Hugo Cabral

Hugo Cabral
Arquitecto (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán). Magíster en Planificación y Administración del Desarrollo Regional de la Universidad de los Andes, Colombia. Fue interventor y director del Area Social del Instituto Provincial de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano y Secretario de Estado de Desarrollo Humano de la Provincia. Becario de OEA para realizar estudios sobre “Vivienda popular y estrategias de erradicación de la pobreza en América Latina”. Recientemente en Arequipa, Perú fue expositor en la Cumbre Latinoamericana para el Desarrollo Local y la Descentralización.

Alternative programs from the IPVyDU. Cases of Study
Estela Correa

Estela Correa
Arquitecta (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán), Especialista en Asentamientos Humanos (Universidad de Chile). Tesista de la maestría “Hábitat y Vivienda (Facultades de Arquitectura de Rosario y Mar del Plata). Actualmente es Jefa del Departamento de Desarrollo Urbano y Rural–Area Planeamiento del Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de la Provincia. Fue docente de Arquitectura y docente invitada en la electiva “Un hábitat para todos” en la FAU-UNT. Investigadora en el Proyecto “Tecnología y gestión para el mejoramiento del hábitat y la vivienda social”.

Alternative tecnologies on the housing production
Mafalda Alonso

Mafalda Alonso
Arquitecta (UNT). Estudios de postgrado en Vivienda Social en distintos centros de Latinoamérica. Tesista de la maestría “Hábitat y Vivienda” (Facultades de Arquitectura de Rosario y Mar del Plata). Coordinó la implementación de programas sociales del BID y el Banco Mundial. En la FAU–UNT es docente e investigadora. Recientemente fue incorporada como delegada de Argentina en el Proyecto XIV.7 “MejorHábitat” de CYTED (Cooperación Iberoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo). Presidenta de la Fundación PROHAS.

Climate and Disegn
Guillermo Gonzalo
Sara Lía Ledesma

Guillermo Gonzalo
Arquitecto doctor en arquitectura (UNT). Profesor titular y director del Instituto de Acondicionamiento Ambiental de la FAU–UNT. Profesor titular y director de programa de postgrado para formación de Magíster en Tecnologías Energéticas Apropiadas, UNSTA, Tucumán.
Evaluador, director de proyectos de investigación y director de tesis doctorales y para magíster en las áreas Arquitectura, Ingeniería, Energía y Medio Ambiente, Arquitectura Bioclimática y Auditoría Energética. Autor de diversos libros, publicaciones y artículos.

Sara Lía Ledesma
Arquitecta (UNT). Secretaria de Extensión de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, desde 2002. Directora del Centro de Estudios Energía y Medio Ambiente IAA-FAU-UNT. Es también investigadora y profesora adjunta de la disciplina Acondicionamiento Ambiental y de los seminarios sobre Arquitectura Bioclimática y Auditoría Energética. Evaluadora de la Revista AVERMA, de la Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente. Co-autora de un libro sobre su especialidad, cuenta además con diversas publicaciones y artículos.

Design aspects of the social housing
Raúl Dilullo

Raúl Dilullo
Arquitecto (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán). Master de la University.of California en Berkeley. Profesor Titular de la disciplina Arquitectura en la FAU-UNT. Ex-miembro permanente del staff académico y actual docente visitante del IHS (Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies) de Rotterdam, Holanda, con participación en programas de capacitación profesional e institucional sobre vivienda y desarrollo urbano en Albania, Bolivia, Colombia, Indonesia y Tanzania.

Faculty experiences- The architecture design studio
Italo Barrionuevo
Ana Dantur

Italo Barrionuevo
Arquitecto (UNT). Es actualmente Vice-decano de la Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de la UNT y Profesor de la Disciplina Arquitectura a cargo de Taller. Ex–Secretario Académico de la misma facultad.

Ana Dantur
Arquitecta (UNT). Psicóloga Social. Especialista en Asentamientos Humanos (Universidad de Chile). Especialista en Ordenamiento Territorial y Medio Ambiente (UNT y Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). Especialista en “Relaciones Internacionales” (Facultad de Derecho–UNT). Docente e Investigadora de la FAU-UNT. Ex–becaria de CONICET. Miembro de la Fundación PROHAS. Coordinadora de consultores urbanos del Programa de Mejoramiento de Barrios (Tucumán–BID–Nación).

Accademia di architettura
Palazzo Turconi

Co-operatives and social housing: swiss examples
Jacques Gubler

Jacques Gubler
Graduated in Art History ath the University of Lausanne, he taught at the Ecole Polytechnique Fèdèrale in the same city and at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark and at the University of Philadelfia.
He wrote “postcards” for Casabella for many years, and concluded researches about the national and international aspects of swiss architecture, ABC magazine (1924- 28), Viollet- le Duc, Sartoris, Jeanneret- Le Corbusier and Hannebique, as well as about urban history of the cities of La Chaux- de Fonds, Newark (New Jersey) and Arcachon.

What are the Siedlungen?
Presentation of the work of Atelier 5

Alfredo Pini

Alfredo Pini
Diplomado en arquitectura al Technikum de Bienne. Miembro fundador y cotitular de Atelier 5, estudio de arquitectura y planeamiento. Profesor invitado al Politécnico Federal de Zurich y profesor titular de la Accademia di Mendrisio.

Principles for a sustainable developement
and durable balance

Mauro Gandolla

Mauro Gandolla
Graduated from the Federal Polytechnic of Zurich in Mechanic Engineering. Works on residual treatments since 1972. His experience is based on different complementary fields: public administration, academic and research in swiss and foreigners institutes, plants management and conduction of his own profesional practice. Active in Switzerland and abroad, have a good knowledge of the Latin American social- environment situation.

Social spaces and public spaces
Own work presentation
Marc Collomb

Marc Collomb
Estudios de arquitectura en la Ecole Polytechnique Fèdèrale de Lausanne (EPFL) y en Cooper Union de New York. Ha sido profesor invitado en la EPFL y e la Pennsylvania University. Desde 1982 es co-fundador del Atelier Cube, al cual el Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur (GTA) ha dedicado una muestra en el 1987. Desde 1998 es profesor titular de la cátedral de construcciones en la Accademia di Mendrisio.

Migration phenomena and urbanization
in Argentina and specially in Tucumán
Ivano Fosanelli

Ivano Fosanelli
Graduated in Political Geography and Contemporary History at the Università degli Studi di Bologna in 1985, with a thesis on borders and smmugling. Since 1995, is researching the phenomena of the european migration to Latin America.
He publicated the volume: verso l’Argentina. Emigrazione, insediamento, identità tra Otto e Novecento, Locarno, Ddò, 2000. Now teaches geography at the cantonal high school of Mendrisio and is partner researcher at the Istituto di Storia delle Alpi of the Università della Svizzera Italiana.

The contemporary latinamerican city
Enricco Sassi

Enricco Sassi
Architecto, laureado en el Istituto Universitario di Architettura di Venezia. Ha colaborado con distintos estudios de arquitectura en Suiza y Portugal. Desarrolla actividades didácticas en la Accademia di Mendrisio y como docente invitado en otras universidades. Ha curado el volumen de L. Benevolo I segni dell'uomo sulla terra, Una guida alla storia del territorio.

Why Latin America and not Inca Europe?
Jacques Vicari

Jacques Vicari
Ha desarrollado actividades didácticas en las universidades de Ginebra, Paris Descartes, Bordeaux III y tolosa Sabatier. Entre sus últimas publicaciones: La Torre di Babele, Ed. Archeios, en 'La via dei simboli', Roma 2001; Les effets de l'urbanisation, en 'Douze questions d'actualité sur l'environnement', Ministère de l'environnement et Z'éditions, Paris 1999; Les défis de la mobilité interne, en Lassonde, Ed. La Découverte, Paris 1996.

Guest critics
Accademia di Architettura
10.9 and

Livio Vacchini

Livio Vacchini
Nace en 1933 y se gradúa como architecto en el Politécnico Federal de Zurich.Entre 1958 y 1961 trabaja en Estocolmo y París. En 1961 inizia su actividad como profesional independiente en Locarno, Suiza. Se asocia con Luigi Snozzi desde 1963 a 1968 y desde 1973 a 1976 colabora en algunos proyectos con Aurelio Galfetti. En 1976 enseña en el Politécnico Federal de Zurich y en 1982 al Politécnico de Milán. Desde 1995 al 2002 se asocia con Silvia Gmür, con estudio en Basilea y Locarno. Es considerado entre los arquitectos más significativos de la escena internacional.

Jacques Gubler

Jacques Gubler
Graduated in Art History ath the University of Lausanne, he taught at the Ecole Polytechnique Fèdèrale in the same city and at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark and at the University of Philadelfia.
He wrote “postcards” for Casabella for many years, and concluded researches about the national and international aspects of swiss architecture, ABC magazine (1924- 28), Viollet- le Duc, Sartoris, Jeanneret- Le Corbusier and Hannebique, as well as about urban history of the cities of La Chaux- de Fonds, Newark (New Jersey) and Arcachon.


Hall Canaveé
Accademia di Mendrisio
october 2003



Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo
de la Universidad Nacional Tucumán

arq. Pablo Holgado


Instituto Provincial de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano
de la Provincia de Tucumán

ing. Gustavo Durán

Chief of the Urban and Rural Developement Department
Planification Area
arq. Estela Correa

Gustavo Durán
Ingenierio civil (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán). Administrador de la Dirección de Vialidad (1991). Presidente del Consejo Vial Federal(1993). Secretario de Obras Públicas(1999). Asesor Gobernación en Obras Públicas(2002). Interventor del Instituto
Provincial de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de Tucumán (2003). Presidente del Consejo Nacional de la Vivienda (2004).

Estela Correa
Arquitecta (Universidad Nacional de Tucumán), Especialista en Asentamientos Humanos (Universidad de Chile). Tesista de la maestría “Hábitat y Vivienda (Facultades de Arquitectura de Rosario y Mar del Plata). Actualmente se desempeña como Jefa del Departamento de Desarrollo Urbano y Rural–Area Planeamiento del Instituto Provincial de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de la Provincia de Tucumán. Ex–docente de la disciplina Arquitectura, FAU-UNT. Docente invitada en la electiva “Un hábitat para todos”. Investigadora en el Proyecto “Tecnología y gestión para el mejoramiento del hábitat y la vivienda social”.


Proyecto conjunto.
De suiza a Tucumán
El Clarín

Special thanks

Hugo Cabral
Sebastián Sabaté